We are very conscious of the effects of environmental pollution, that’s why our Green-Lite Strategy is designed to deliver “fit for purpose” solutions.
Using only FSC accredited paper mills, we provide enhanced performance from the minimum use of materials, delivering cost benefits to all our customers
Reduce material consumption ensuring that KWP products are fit for purpose without excess by fully supporting the global aim to
We provide our customers with:
A design & packaging review to ensure all parts of their business which interact with packaging are incorporated as a smooth operating part of the supply chain logistics.
Analyse process from goods-In to optimising pallet cube fills and reducing onward transit costs – a full value added service.
Optimise packaging performance using improved board grades to give desired result – “KWP Green-Lite Strategy” lower unit costs.
Free space tied up with excess packaging.
Multi product supply, assisting customers reduce their vendor base, consolidate spending power and reduce number of deliveries to their sites. All the above assist customers whilst enhancing their “Green Credentials”.